Our (foster) puppy Rosco

Rosco was rescued from a place where he was not wanted and mistreated. Such a terrible way for a pup to start his young life.

He and Marlee met and we thought we would see how they would get along for a couple of weeks, and if they get along well enough, we may keep Rosco as a part of our family pack.

After a vet check this morning, he seems to be in good health (albeit still a bit on the skinny side, but I am gradually increasing his food intake to get some weight on him) and the vet thinks that he is between 10 and 14 weeks; so we're calling it 12 weeks. He had his vaccination (without a fuss) and now we'll just concentrate on fattening him up to a normal weight, and show him a better life.

Marlee is a bit of a grumpy old lady about it all, but she has to learn how to interact properly with the pup. She is having a crash course in canine communication. Hopefully she will warm to him and we can see if he has found a forever home with us.

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