Marlee Health Update
Last week, we met some nice people at "Marlee's Oval" with their two little pups. The woman said that Marlee was very cute, and that she "had quite a girth on her". Girth? Linda and Phil came over for lunch the next day; and Linda said that Marlee has "filled out". Our dog is FAT.
Last weekend Marlee started limping after chasing her tennis ball. Over the next two days, she would hold her back leg up after running, sometimes just walking. She even yelped a couple of times, then 30 seconds later, she would be ok - walking on it like nothing happened.
So off to the vets we go. Seems like she may have luxating patellas. Dislocating knee-caps. Options? Surgery. Or worsening arthritis in the joints if we don't do anything. Bummer. More surgery and she's only 9 months old!! So we'll meet the "small animal surgeon" and see how we can tackle this. She'll probably need both knees done. Marlee's not going to like it one bit.
Oh... and the vet said that she is a little bit overweight!!! Eeeek. So we have to switch her to adult dog food, and take the skin off the raw chicken wings she gets. Hmmm and those yoghurt and carob dog treats... we may just have to cut back on those too.
In two weeks, we three are going up to Far North Queensland for a few weeks in the tropics. It will be Marlee's first plane journey. We will have some fun on the beach and in the pool, before she comes home for surgery.
Does she look fat to you??

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