Rain Rain Go Away
My time in London has been marred by rain. Hard to get out and about when its pouring with rain. London is difficult to negotiate as it is with the sheer number of people here, let alone dodging puddles and umbrellas.
I have managed to get out a little bit, but have mainly stayed in SW London in Balham, where our flat is. Its kind of nice getting familiar with a place and becoming a bit of a local. We walk by this cute little italian restaurant on our way to Craig's office and the tube station and they wave and say hello. They have great food and a killer dessert.
Since my last update I have been shopping on Oxford Street and at Sloane Square. I've visited the British Museum and see the Rosetta Stone. Checked out the beautiful young people in Camden Town (kind of like St Kilda only bigger). Been to Borough Market under the railway bridges.

In the coming days I hope to make it to Greenwich and the Observatory, weather permitting. Sunday I will be catching up with a uni friend and we're going to Spitafields Market for some shopping and browsing. Plus Craig and I are planning on a little getaway for a few days; maybe to Paris, Lille or Brugge in Belgium. We had planned to go to Dubai but that idea will have to happen another time.
And while we've been here we've seen another baby arrive safely in the world to Andrew, Caroline and little Eva: Fergus was born on the 30th April. My second new born in 3 weeks.
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