The last week or so...
There's been a bit going on.
Mum in hospital. Negotiating for a house. Ezra's 3rd anniversary. My birthday. Signing a contract for a house. Cooking classes. Birthday parties. Mum back at home.
Busy, busy, busy.
Travelogue, personal news and views.
There's been a bit going on.
Mum has been back in hospital, with an infection she caught, due to her weakened immune system caused by the chemotherapy. She was on IV antibiotics. She stayed in hospital until her next chemo treatment, which knocked her about a bit. Her red blood count was a little low, so she has had a blood transfusion to get her back on track.
Congratulations to Jacinta and Duncan on the arrival of Millar David to the world on the 6th July 2006.