Day with the dingoes

Today I had the opportunity to interact with dingoes at a dingo sanctuary. So after a 2 hour drive up north past Seymour and through Violet Town, we arrived at the sanctuary which is lovingly run by Gill and Richard. It was Julie Fechner of the Dingo CARE Network who guided us there and they were very generous with their time.

They have 7 pens set up with different family groups within, and we were able to enter these fenced areas to "meet" the dingoes.

Some of which were quite friendly and used to human interactions, others were weary of strangers and others would not approach at all. None of which were aggressive. There was one mother bitch with her pups who was giving warning growls, but she was just trying to work out if we were a threat, and warning her pups not to get too close to the strangers. But she eventually worked out that we were no harm to her pups.

We used our dog listening skills on these semi wild dogs, and the results were just amazing. Gill and Richard commented on how the dingoes did not react to our presence as much as they normally do when visitors come to the sanctuary. There were 8 strangers amongst them and they did not feel stressed by our company.

It was amazing to see that we were all able to communicate so succinctly with them without saying a word. An amazing experience.

Gill and Richard offered an open invitation for us to return whenever we were in the neighbourhood, which I think I will definitely consider!

Thanks to Julie for organising the visit, and to Gill and Richard for their hospitality and time.