Just heard
from Craig. He is on his way to Chennai (Madras) and will spend 24 hours there before coming back home. Yay!
Travelogue, personal news and views.
from Craig. He is on his way to Chennai (Madras) and will spend 24 hours there before coming back home. Yay!
While walking the dog this morning, we came across a rainbow lorikeet floundering on the grass. I watched it for a bit, pondering what I should do. I decided to call the vet, who gave me a number for a wildlife rescue, who then in turn called Parks Victoria who called me back, while I waited and watched the bird make its way up a tree. A ranger came and he picked the bird up (after it had fallen out of the tree). It seemed to be a baby still, its tail feathers not quite developed, and a bit of down sticking out of its wings.
... of renovating has gone smoothly. We saw the architect and he showed us the initial floorplan ideas for our house. More details at Making Base Camp.
Back in very cold Melbourne...
Well its warmer than Melbourne, but the sun only shines in the morning. Then the rainforest musters in the clouds and the sunshine is filtered. No soaking up of rays. But it has been relaxing. We've strolled along the beach to Palm Cove (about 15 minutes walk to the jetty) for breakfast. Last night we went into Port Douglas for dinner at one of our favourite places, only to find that Sassi La Cucina is now owned by new people. The meal was lovely but just not the same. And there's a huge crane hovering over a development at the start of Macrossan St which looms over the township. Yet more apartments. This region is going through a development boom and there are big plans for Palm Cove too. Its all getting too big. Come and visit before it gets too overun with tourists!!